Nir Maman
Fighting Video
name is Nir Maman (pronounced "Near"). He's a
former Israeli special forces commando and top
hand-to-hand combat instructor. From 1995 to 1998
his long-range reconnaissance unit (the feared "Sayeret
Golani") roamed deep into enemy territory,
fighting, capturing and "eliminating" terrorists
and insurgents. Usually, there were only 4 men in
his unit. Alone, without back-up, miles from
safety and with less than one-fourth the training
our own Spec Op soldiers receive, these men faced
constant, unrelenting and vicious counter-guerilla
Our own super-nasty Spec Op guys
(SEALS, Delta) -- as well as other world-class soldiers like the French Foreign
Legion -- are in awe of these Israeli hard-asses. Their training is so short and
so CONDENSED that at age 20, the Israeli Spec Op soldier is as skilled as the
average 30-year-old SEAL.
CONNECTION - All new short-cut lethal hand-to-hand fighting system (that
FREAKS OUT even hard-core US Soldiers) finally revealed by top Israeli combat
veteran! So harsh and effective, this never-before-revealed system has
battle-hardened US Spec Op soldiers shaking their heads in respect and awe... so
new and exciting, this “first peek” at “hidden” Israeli combat secrets is
sending shockwaves through the martial arts world!
This is a HUGE 4-tape package -- the
first 2 life-changing videos are on hand- to-hand fighting (including moves no
one has ever seen before outside the Israeli Spec Op world!), the third video is
a stunning ground fighting video and the fourth is an incredible knife and gun
disarming tape.
4-Tapes: Total Run Time: 3 Hrs 30 Min ITEM # ISRADV

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